Monday, November 2, 2009

Easy And Simple Tips And Buying And Selling Stocks By Robert Michael

Robert Michael

Many people who want to start buying and selling stocks in the stock market have never gotten started simply because they are intimidated by their perception of the process. They are afraid it is either too complicated or expensive for the average person. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact buying and selling stocks in the stock market is a simple process.

First of all you need to have an understanding of what stocks are. A stock certificate is a unit of ownership in a company. By owning a share of stock in a particular company you are actually owning part of that company.

There are two kinds of stocks you should be familiar with. First of all, there is common stock. This is the most common type of stock that is traded and held by the public. If you own common stock you have voting rights along with the right to share in dividends. Preferred stock on the other hand, gives the owner fewer rights except in one important area. Those who own preferred stock usually receive consistent dividends. In fact investors buy preferred stocks for the income from dividends.

The majority of people who buy and sell stocks do so through a stock broker. The most popular stockbrokers have now become online Internet stock brokerage firms. This is much less costly than using a traditional broker. In fact you can trade for about $20 at many online brokerage firms.

Buying and selling stocks is not unlike the other transactions except there is sometimes some haggling. There is what is called the market value and there is the asking price. The asking price is the price that the seller is willing to sell the stock certificate for. The difference between the market value and the asking price may sometimes only be a few cents.

If you are selling stocks you'll need to keep in mind the bidding price and also the price someone is willing to pay to buy the stocks from you.

Although you can always buy a stock for the current market value or sell it for what you'd like to there usually is not a huge difference. The difference may only be a penny. Stocks that are traded a lot on the market will often have little or no difference.

When you found a stock you want to buy and have determined the asking price all you then need to do is tell your broker how many shares you want to buy in your broker buys stock for you.

It's that simple. Do some research into the various online stock brokerage firms and find one that you can feel comfortable doing business with. You will soon be buying and selling stocks on the stock market.


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